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This is my food - Nutrition for Kids

Explore the world of food and nutrition and bring your favorite dish to the table!


Gain clever knowledge and learn interesting facts about food classifications, nutrition and how to cultivate herbs in a fun way! The app encourages to review and explore further in the real word! In a lighthearted way children become experts in food and nutrition.

What is your favorite food?

Large food balken

Is it vegetable or fruit? Where does it grow and how does it taste?

This is my Food - Nutrition for Kids follows a playful and educational method that entertains children while learning.

– What is your favourite food?
– How to cultivate your own garden?
– Where does it grow?
– Is it vegetable or fruit?
– How does it taste?
– No reading required!
– Voice over read by children!
– Intuitive, safe, and kid-friendly interface!

Small food pdf

This is my food

All about your food! Plant your own herbs, make your own nutrition wheel and so much more by downloading our handbook.